Parking & Transportation
Parking Lot Guidelines
Please help keep everyone safe and minimize congestion during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times by becoming familiar with our parking lot guidelines.
Please drive with caution and watch for pedestrians. Be courteous to the other drivers. Be courteous to staff and parent volunteers who are helping with traffic flow and ensuring student safety.
Observe the 5 mph speed limit through the parking lot at all times. Follow the cones and signs to the stay in the Parent pick up line (versus Staff lane) and if lower curbside is full, please wait at the stop sign in the top lot. Do not stop in the 'no parking' space in front of portables.
Morning Drop-off
- Drop-off time begins at 9:10 a.m. There is no supervision before 9:10 a.m.
- Students must be dropped off in the upper parking lot only. It is not safe to drop students off in the driveway entrance or the bus circle.
- Never park your car in the Loading Zone.
- Do NOT leave your car unattended in the Loading Zone.
- Use crosswalks at all times. An adult should accompany children when using the crosswalks if Safety Patrol is not present.
- Only buses are allowed in the Bus Loading/Unloading Zone.
- Only vehicles displaying disabled parking stickers, placards, or license plates are allowed to park in the disabled parking area. It is illegal for unauthorized vehicles to be in the disabled parking area under any circumstances for any length of time.
Afternoon Pick-up
- Dismissal time is 4:00 p.m. If you need to pick up your child earlier, you must check him/her out through the office. The staff will call your child to the office from the classroom. Do not go directly to the classroom.
- Never park your car in the Loading Zone. The Loading Zone is for student pick up only.
- Do NOT leave your car unattended in the Loading Zone.
- Children must wait behind the yellow line on the sidewalk for pick up. Children must load through the passenger side of the car. Do not have your child step into the lane of traffic to get into your car.
- If your child is not waiting at the yellow line, please park your vehicle in the parking lot and come find him/her or circle around the lot until your child is standing in the Loading Zone.
- Use the crosswalk at all times. An adult should accompany children when using the crosswalks if Safety Patrol is not present.
- Only buses are allowed in the Bus Loading/Unloading Zone.
- Only vehicles displaying disabled parking stickers, placards, or license plates are allowed to park in the disabled parking zone. It is illegal for unauthorized vehicles to be in the disabled parking area under any circumstances for any length of time.
Bus Guidelines
Proper behavior while waiting for the bus and riding the bus will help ensure that every student arrives safely. Parents should supervise their children at the bus stop.
Each year, a copy of the Bus Safety Rules goes home in the 1st day packets. The Northshore Transportation Department will notify parents of infractions and consequences occurring on the school bus. Please keep the district informed of any inappropriate behavior or safety concerns. The Transportation Department can be reached at 425-408-7900.
Whenever your child needs to take a bus other than the one regularly assigned, a note from home must be given to your child’s teacher. The note must include:
- The date of bus riding event
- The first and last name of the student your child is riding with
- The drop off location
The office will issue a Bus Pass. The student will give the pass to the bus driver. Please remember that bus passes are issued on a space-available basis. You can consult the school office or the school website for information about buses not currently available for additional riders.
Bicycles, Scooters and Roller Skates
Bicycles, roller skates/blades, shoes with wheels (wheelies), scooters and skateboards are prohibited on campus during school hours. For safety reasons, our policy prohibits riding any of these to and from school. We are currently looking into safe bicycle routes to and from school. Students may ride to school if a parent or adult guardian accompanies them.
We currently do not have a good place on campus for storing bicycles. We are looking into a new location to place bike racks on our campus. The bike racks that are near the bus circle may be used only outside of school hours when accessing the play areas and field. If you are interested in helping us develop a safe plan, please contact our school.
District Transportation
Contact the Transportation Department
- Phone: 425-408-7900
- Fax: 425-408-7902
- Email: