Welcome to the Kokanee Library

Visit the full Kokanee Library site here

LIbrary connections

Kokanee's library circulation desk
kokanee's library

The Kokanee Library is an inviting, resource-rich place where students and staff can find the information they need to be successful. The library boasts over 13,000 books and materials available for students, staff and parents.  These items can be located using our Online Patron Access Catalog (OPAC) which is available outside school through Destiny Quest.
We have a diverse collection of materials located in the following sections of the library:

  • Non-Fiction (Dewey #000-999)
  • Fiction/Novels (F)
  • Picture Books (P)
  • Graphic Novels (GN)
  • Beginning Chapter Books (BC)
  • Everybody Books (E)

The library uses educational technology, desktop computers for searching the catalog, and a mobile Chromebook cart that students use to access our library catalog, online resources, and work on individual and group projects. The library also has an instructional area with a laptop, projector, and interactive whiteboard.

Library Policies

Library Hours

9:30 am - 4:00 pm
9:30 am - 2:30 pm (early release)

Library Staff

Jennifer McKnight
Teacher Librarian
Annie Fagundes
Teacher Librarian
Susan Carr
Library Assistant
Library Circulation Desk
(425) 408-4911